Ellen Gunderson Traylor
Montana Woman
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Dear friends of Ellen. The pages for memory and photos are nearly finished. Now we need your stories.
I have decided it is not appropriate to use your stories written here in the prayer chat, because I re-read Ellen's first request for prayer. To honor her wishes, not to share publicly; if you wish to write a memory story it must go back to the sending me a story by email or posting it on your Facebook page and give me permission to post here. That is the proper way to do this.
Once I have a group of stories, written directly from you about knowing her, and you give permissions to post your story, I'll re enter the page for all to visit. Ellen is the reason for sharing our memories. I have left only my personal story, Nate's and presumed Aaron's, along with Ronnie's, because I have permissions.
The page will be wonderful once you participate in sharing your love of Ellen outside of the prayer requests. She was in life a remarkable woman of courage and faith. I was so honored to work closely with her for a few years.
She made the world a better place and we have lost the living person who gave us the strength by simply being there to check a post any given day and help us handle many obstacles in our path. Just knowing she was there gave us a more solid ground to walk in the path God gave us. That's what my heart wants the world to see in a legacy site.
We can and perhaps are that very life force for others. How do we know? We all have a story. In age, we are dying. If we do not share it, who will benefit from our lives? She shared and we were stronger for her candid approach to living in God's Word and World. So, please if you catch my vision of how she can continue to bless others and us, share a story of you and Ellen so it can be posted for others to gain her knowledge by reading her books and strength for the days of turmoil ahead.
You all have the email address on the site to send a story. I'm sincerely grateful to all who have commented on the site, but hope to finish it with the grace and courage she promoted in life, by your words to encourage others. In a while when finished I intend to give the site over to Nate for him to continue it. Bless you all. Sorry this is so long. Ruth
To write a short story about knowing Ellen and life, memories and all things lovely, just write a story or tribute, poem or something special about Ellen's books and give Ruth permission to copy it to this page in a pdf file with your name, as those above.
Email your story to Ruth until a date yet to be determined. After which, the site will belong to Nate and Aaron, at which time they will furnish an email notice. Ellen continues to fill many hearts with her influence and faithful writings. This page is a wonderful place for her readers to tell their stories about knowing her and/or reading her books. I hope this inspires many to write, share and encourage others here, on a page that is just for you.
I'm sure if Ellen were here, she would love to read them. Please share. send email to: ruthakirkpatrick@outlook.com.
*** Or, post your tribute words on your Facebook Page, and give me, Ruth, permission, as Ronnie and Nate did, to copy and paste them in a document for this page.
Nate made a very positive comment this morning about this project, so I know the family would love to see many stories here. Please participate, short or long, no problem.